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Sure Shot Ways To Gain Initial Subscribers

Struggling to reach your first 5000 subscribers?

These are the sure-shot tricks to get it.

1. Ask your viewers to subscribe. Easy!

This video is worth a like, a share, and a comment. Also, be sure to subscribe to my YouTube channel and click on that bell icon to get updates on my upcoming videos.’ – Every YouTuber either begins or ends their videos by asking this one thing of the viewers.

If you haven’t added this little speech to your youtube content script, you are losing many subscribers there.

One of the simplest ways to build your subscriber base is by asking your viewer to subscribe to your channel. This may seem super easy, but there are effective ways that a YouTuber can successfully do these.

2. End your video by teasing what you’re working on next

Why do you think, Some movies get the same applauding in their second parts as well? Because they always add a teaser for what’s coming up next!

The most organic way to encourage people to subscribe is to excite your next video and explain why it shouldn’t be missed.

A good grasp of your YouTube content schedule and knowing what’s next is essential.

3. Build a community to get the first YouTube subscribers

Building a community is the oldest trend to promote any content, and this has been practised from ancient ages when promoting propaganda was easier through communities.

But in the colonial period, YouTubers could build their online community through social platforms.

4. Collaborate with other creators

Creator content is all about collaboration, and it can be between brands and other creators.

Your content reaches a broader audience when you make it available to a new audience.

Additionally, it introduces a unique style to your content – which your followers will enjoy.

What’s the best way to work with other creators? You can do it quickly.

There is one thing to keep in mind: find the right creator! Essentially, choose a creator who works in an area similar to or complementary to your own.

When all your content revolves around fitness, it makes no sense to collaborate with a tech creator.

5. Brand your videos

A video watermark that says “subscribe” can be added to YouTube Studio as a way to gain subscribers on every upload. We hope viewers will subscribe to your channel after clicking on the graphic and viewing your content.

Consider this a mini-poster for a movie. It’s your first and prime opportunity to convince someone to click on your video.

You can use custom thumbnails to promote the branding of your channel further. You can use them to introduce yourself as a content creator to new viewers. Brand all of your thumbnails consistently.

You can make sure people know (at least subconsciously) that they are watching a video from your channel by using the same font, colour palette, or frame composition.

6. Showcase your content strategically on your channel page

Your channel homepage can have up to 12 sections using the Layout tab in YouTube Studio. With this method, you can feature your best content right upfront so that new visitors can see your best content before deciding to subscribe.

It would be best if you highlighted your extensive value right away. This helps specifically target the viewer’s needs.

7. Run a contest to get your first YouTube subscribers

Giveaways and cashback are popular on platforms like Instagram and Facebook, but there is another popular social media platform that is making the most out of it. Yes! That is YouTube.

Many YouTubers have reached out to their subscribers with various contests to gain followers.

8. Release videos on a consistent schedule

The first video you publish on YouTube gets quite a bit of attention. You are blown away by this. People realise what you have always believed: that you are talented and have a unique perspective.

They are subscribing to your channel in droves. Your fans are waiting for your next video. The only problem is you don’t have one planned.

You will have to wait weeks to upload if you do that. The viewer doesn’t know when to visit your channel if you release a video on Thursday one week, Tuesday the next, and Sunday the following. You aren’t maximising the potential views you might have had if you released the video at the right time.

This is where you may lose your subscribers.

9. Blend them with social media platforms

Cross-promote on Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, and Facebook-wherever you have an established fan base. Your Instagram or Twitter bio can encourage people to check out your YouTube channel.

Another great way to bring people to your YouTube channel is to post a teaser of your latest video on other social accounts.

10. Interact with your audience and make friends

You’re more likely to keep viewers interested in your work if you form relationships with them. Respond to their comments, and Retweet them. They’ll work wonders for your channel.

You’ll also find that your audience will give you plenty of free content ideas for your next video once you’re connected.

Interested in getting your YouTube channel seen by a vast audience? Get started here:

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