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How To Grow Your YouTube Channel For Free

Updated: May 5, 2022

Make videos specifically for your audience

Now, you’re probably thinking that I am contradicting myself. But it’s true – you should make videos specifically for your audience, not for yourself.

With this being said, you shouldn’t be making content that you would never watch yourself.

The most important thing about making video content is that your videos are not about YOU. They are about YOUR AUDIENCE. You need to think of it as a community, and how can YOU help them? What common problems do they face? How can your content help solve their problems?

Engage with the YouTube community

You may have noticed that YouTube is a social platform as well as a media platform. If you want to make your channel grow, you will have to join the community. You can start by watching other people’s videos and commenting on them. You can also respond to comments on your own videos and give the person who posted them some feedback. Think of it like this: when you post a comment, the poster gets notified and is more likely to check out your channel if they see that it has good content.

Take note that making good videos alone does not guarantee you’re going to get views or subscribers from those who saw your presentation. It’s not enough for you to simply post a video; you need to actively engage with viewers and encourage them to do the same with each other.

Optimize your video Title and Description

  • Your title should be between 5-10 words.

  • Your title should be descriptive, relevant, and unique.

  • Your title should be long tail (longer keyword phrases). (A long-tail keyphrase is a more specific keyword phrase that contains 3 or more words.)

  • Your title should be short, easy to read, and easy to understand.

Make useful content that is easy to understand

To grow your YouTube channel, you need to make a decision. In one of two possible worlds, you will:

  • be a successful YouTuber in two years, or

  • be an unsuccessful YouTuber in two years (or maybe never even start)

What's the difference between these two possibilities? Well, in the first world, you'd have made videos that teach things. Your videos would be useful and easy to understand. In many cases, you would have used visuals like diagrams and photos to illustrate your points. Sometimes it would've been helpful to show something with your hands as well. And where applicable, you'd have used humor and examples from everyday life. In the second world — well — there wouldn't be any videos at all! Get it?

Take advantage of thumbnails to entice viewers

  • Choose a high-quality image for your thumbnail. It’s important to have an attractive and interesting thumbnail that properly represents the content of your video.

  • Your YouTube thumbnail is what will appear on YouTube search results, or when you share it on social media or through email, so it’s critical that it has visual appeal.

  • Make sure the quality of your thumbnail is very high, since low-resolution images can negatively impact your click rate.

  • Be creative with your thumbnail design. The best thumbnails feature an appealing subject and are clear and easy to understand at a glance. Use bright colours and make sure you include the text so viewers know what your video is about.

In this blog, we talked about how to grow your YouTube channel.

With video being the future and YouTube being the most popular video-sharing platform, it's a great idea to create a channel and start creating videos.

In this blog, we looked at how you can make videos specifically for your audience, like creating content that is easy to understand and engage with the YouTube community.

We also talked about how you can optimize your video titles and descriptions to help get more views, as well as how you can take advantage of thumbnails to entice viewers into clicking on your content.

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