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How to engage with the audience!

YouTube is a huge platform for content creators to share their talent, gain a following and make money.

When you're a content creator on YouTube, there are two things you want to be good at making great videos and engaging with your audience.

YouTubers who have been around for a while understand the importance of engagement.

They know that if they want their videos to go viral, they need to engage directly with their audience.

Engagement is a two-way street – it only works if both sides are doing their part.

As a YouTuber, you need to create content that people actually want to watch, as well as respond to comments and questions from your viewers.

You also need to make sure your video descriptions are filled out with relevant keywords so that when people search for those terms, they can find your videos easily.

As an example of how this works in real life, let's look at Casey Neistat's daily vlogs. He publishes one every day on his channel and they're often very long (20+ minutes). That means he has thousands of comments on each video every day from his subscribers asking him questions or giving feedback about what he posted that day. He also has over 6 million subscribers so that's quite a lot of people waiting for him every single day!

The world of content creation is changing. YouTube has turned into an entertainment hub where people go to watch their favourite content creators.

Content creators have immense power to attract attention to their channel and they can also lose it if they are not careful enough. To retain the audience on YouTube, you need to engage them with your videos and make sure that they come back again and again.

There are some tips that can help you in building a loyal fan base on YouTube:

1. Post frequently: It is important for the viewers to know what kind of content they are going to post next and when it will be posted so that they can plan their day accordingly. If your audience knows that there will be a new video every week then they will be more excited about it as compared to seeing one video in two months' time.

2. Keep your videos short: Videos that are less than five minutes long get more views than those which are longer than five minutes. People don't like watching long videos on social media platforms because they get bored easily while watching them. So, keep your videos short but don't compromise on the quality of the video as this will leave a negative impact on your viewers' minds which will eventually lead to fewer views.

Engaging with the audience on YouTube can be a tricky thing. There are a lot of factors that go into it and it's not something you can just do.

If you want to engage with your audience, then you need to understand what they want and need from you.

Here are some tips on how to engage better with your audience:

Find out what they want and need from you. If all people are saying is that they want more content from you, then make more content! However, if they're saying they want something specific like "I want more information about X" or "I want Y explained in detail", then give them that. Make sure that whatever you're creating is what people want and need.

Don't just talk to them - talk with them! Ask questions and let people respond. This is a great way of learning what they like/don't like about your videos and it's also fun too because it lets viewers feel like they're engaging with you in a way that's different than just watching a video passively (which can be boring). You could even do polls or surveys where people answer questions about their favourite types of content.

Engaging with your audience can be the difference between becoming a successful YouTuber and one who struggles to get views.

You don’t need millions of subscribers or views to have an engaged audience, but it’s important that you do have at least some viewers that like what you do.

Why should I try engaging with my audience?

1) Engaging with your audience is a great way to get valuable feedback about your channel and product or service. A lot of people want to give advice but don’t know how to start so if you ask them directly for feedback they might just jump at it! This can also help you find out what type of content you should upload next.

2) Engaging with your audience gives them an opportunity to feel special by interacting with someone who has influence over their lives (or at least the part they spend online). It helps build trust between you and your viewers which makes them more likely to watch more videos from you in the future.

Being a content creator on YouTube is a dream job for most people. But it's not easy to get there. You have to work hard, create great content, build an audience and promote your videos.

After all this hard work, you might find that your videos aren't getting as many views as they should be. To get more views on YouTube, you need to understand how YouTube works and what you need to do to get more views from your channel.

So how does one get more views on YouTube? Here are some tips:

1) Write good titles for your videos

2) Use tags correctly

3) Create original content

4) Create quality videos

So you’re a creator on YouTube and you want to build a bigger audience for your channel. Great! But how do you go about it?

If you want to make the most of your time, here are some simple tips to help you grow your audience and engagement on YouTube.

1. Create engaging content (haha first go through what I'm saying)

The most important part of engaging with your audience is creating content that they will actually want to engage with. Try to make sure that your videos are relevant and interesting to your audience – if they aren’t, they won’t bother watching them! Here are some examples of good topics:

- A topic that their friends or family have talked about recently (for example, celebrity gossip, beauty products, etc.)

- A current event (for example, a recent sporting event)

- A topic that has been trending recently (for example, a viral video or news story)

YouTube is the world's second-largest search engine. With over a billion users and millions of videos, it's a great way to reach an audience.

But how do you get people to watch your videos?

Here are some tips for creating engaging content on YouTube:

1) Identify your target audience. Who is your video for? What are their interests? What do they like to watch? What makes them laugh? What makes them angry?

2) Find the right keywords for your video. When you upload a video, you have the opportunity to choose words that describe it best. Use these keywords in the title of your video and in tags at the end (more on tags later).

3) Write an engaging title for your video that will encourage viewers to click on it from search results and from other users' recommendations. If possible, include keywords in your title as well (see above).

4) Make sure you have a thumbnail image or banner that looks good on mobile devices! Many people watch videos on smartphones so make sure it looks good on those screens too.

5) Add annotations - these are little pop-ups that appear when someone clicks on them.

That's all for today. I hope this article was helpful and added some value to you.

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